Goodbye A Muslim Latina hello Hook and Sew by Liza!

Hello everyone,


I hope everyone is doing well. After careful thought I have decided to close my blog. It was a difficult decision but I am trying to get my business running and do marketing and I can’t do two blogs. I will keep this blog up for a couple of weeks.

So it is not a goodbye from wordpress, just a shift on blogs, from a personal one to a business one.

My new website will be about my business projects that I am currently working on. With links to my Etsy store, Facebook page and tibit’s on all things crocheting and sewing inspirations. I hope that you will follow me there and I look forward to bringing you not only pictures but videos of my handcrafted items.

I will post an introduction next week. Here is my new blog link though..



Hope to see you all there!


Oh Allah (SWT) We Need You

How can I just walk by

How can I just ignore the pain I see

Is this what society wants, has taught

For me to see a human being in pain, without a home without support

I am to walk by and forget it
Where have we gone wrong, where are the versus that we are taught 

Why don’t they jump to our minds

Why don’t they make us stop

To give charity, to give a smile, to give support
Oh Allah (SWT) we say we practice and follow

Oh Allah (SWT) we say we understand your word

In truth we hide and forget it in order to live our  busy lives
I cry of shame, I cry of hopelessness

I am but a whisper, a small helping hand

Oh Allah (SWT) enlighten us, let us see your splendor your majestical guidance

Oh Allah (SWT) Help you creations to live in harmony and to help each other as your word has been written

I’m on SnapChat!!

So I am gett getting more involved into the social media thing… lol

Here you will see exclusive videos of my work in progress for my crocheting and sewing adventures.My nail crazy hobby I’m into now and other snippets from my daily “boring” life lol..
I hope you will join my into this new adventure!

Add me on Snapchat! Username: lyvonnek

My crafting adventures.

Sooo… I have been on vacation because of EID! So EID MUBARAK to everyone that celebrates it.

My birthday was that week as well so I had a great week! Alhamdulilah a beautiful and relaxing week.

Now that I’m home I haven’t been feeling well. I have started on a crochet project and have started a sewing project.

Yes my Daddy finally got the piece he needed and the sewing machine is amazing!

So yesterday I bought the rest of the materials I needed for my head towels. Today I decided to finish one at least. 

It didn’t come out perfect but I was close to it. So I can’t wait to make more tomorrow. 

These head towels are from recycled towels from our home don’t use any more.

Let me know what you think? 
The makeup is by chance, I haven’t taken it off yet lol..

Here is a little video of it..

A New Listing Coming Soon!

So I have started to crochet again! Ya!! Insha’Allah I will be uploading the new blanket soon. I will be putting the shop back on vacation mode due to a holiday. The vacation times will be 6/2/2016 – 6/10/2016
I will still be working on a new blanket so Insha’Allah I’ll be able to load that one up when I get back.
Please share if you can, I am trying to get exposure, I will be uploading finished blankets as quickly as I can. Just remember I take my time with my blankets because this isn’t just a “job” it’s a product made with care for a little angel.

Slow Progress

So I have not been able to crochet since the last time I posted on here. My wrist and thumb Starting hurting, so I have been banned from crocheting. I just barely started today to Crochet. I was only able to do 30 minutes which I usually do 1 hour.

so this is the progress So far.


I am really loving on how it is coming out.

So Insha’Allah I will be able to finish this one this month.

Crocheting away

So here is an update on my Etsy shop. I can’t ship international because of legalities that I can’t afford right now. So hopefully once my shop becomes more successful  (Insha’Allah) I’ll be able to do that.

Here are some new pictures of my baby blanket that I am currently working on.


I wet blocked them two days ago


I started stitching them today.


I have stitched the first and second row together. Now I just need to stich the third row.

The stitching takes a lot of time for me. I had to redo the stitching until I was satisfied that it looked right. Now time to take a break.

Come Monday I will stitch the third row and start on the border.

I can’t wait until I am done and can list it on my shop!