My Awards Updates

I have two blogger awards that I received, I want to thank the two bloggers that nominated me for them. I want to apologize and let you know that I have not put those on here because I haven’t had the opportunity to have my husbands laptop.

Working on the ipad and trying to do the links and post pictures is a hassle for me. I’m not sure if any of you use an ipad for posting but for some reason when I try to many things on here my app actually freezes then I lose my content.

Hopefully WordPress will read this and find a solution, or maybe I just need to have more patience?? lol…

This weekend my hubby has off so I will ask for him to bring his laptop home in order for me to post my awards on here.

I just wanted to make sure that I let the two bloggers know Ritu and La Sabrosona, Thank you again for the nominations and I have not forgetten. 

Until Next Time,


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